Double Tiggers = Double Trouble

Car SeatBefore Siena was born, HiW was working on getting the car seat ready. I thought it would be helpful to practice using the straps and buckles if we had a life size doll. I looked in my hope chest and found a beloved baby doll from my childhood. It was made to look like a newborn, complete with wrinkly fingers and toes (and was lifelike enough to play the starring role in a number of Christmas pageants). I found it ironic, as I pulled her out of my hope chest a week or so before Halloween, that she was dressed in a Tigger costume.

The doll served her purpose quite well, but the Tigger costume was too big for our newborn come Halloween. When Siena was ten weeks old I saw a Flickr album of our friends’ baby London wearing a different Tigger costume, and remembered the babydoll again. Siena fit hers well enough at that point, so off we went to London’s house for a Tigger photo shoot. We started off with both babies on the floor, but quickly abandoned that plan in favor of the couch. Never quite got them both smiling at the same time, but ended up with some pretty cute pictures nonetheless, don’t you think?