My PRK Experience: Over a Month Postop

Left Eye: post-op day 47
Right Eye: post-op day 33

I had another check-up Monday and it went well. I’m currently -0.25 diopters (20/20) in my left eye and somewhere between -0.25 and -0.5 diopters (20/25) in my right eye. Visual acuity is mostly stable with some (almost imperceptible) fluctuations in my right eye. Both eyes continue to appear healthy with no signs of haze or other complications. While I’m disappointed that my right eye is not 20/20, I understand that I  really need to reevaluate at the 6-month mark, because these subtle changes will continue until then. I’ve also completely discontinued using eyedrops (including steroid drops) and its possible that my right eye is asymptomatically dry, reducing visual acuity.

Still, 20/20 and 20/25 is nothing to complain about. I find myself starting at signs in the distance and expecting to read them no matter how small the text is. When I can’t read the text I start to worry that my vision is deteriorating – fortunately its all in my head.