Coding Madness

Last week I went to the Portland scrap booking convention with my wife. I’ve done this before and I find it incredibly helpful to harness the creative atmosphere to fuel my own web design endeavors. While she cut and cropped, I sat in front of my laptop hacking PHP. I’ve always worked on my homepage with the intent of “finishing” it one day – but I’ve never come close. New technologies and new ideas to implement keep me from my goal. After this last scrap booking event I found inspiration to completely recode my site and move out of the HTML table mindset and join the new XHTML/CSS div tag cult. Well, it’s not exactly new.. but most modern browsers (except M$IE) are now able to render div tags properly, and when combined with CSS – they offer unparalleled utility. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish the recode and if I do perhaps it will finalize the structure of my homepage so I can finally concentrate on content.

Here is an outstanding tutorial on CSS positioning: